일상(일기닷!)/소소한 자료&홍보

3/15 Saturday 독해

예예파파 2008. 3. 15. 12:42



The birth of Bangladesh, formerly East Pakistan, came about only after much effort. tension between East and West Pakistan developed from the outset because of their vast geographic, economic, and cultural differences. For many years, West Pakistan and East Pakistan were united by Islam, but their peoples were separated by culture, physical features, and 1,000 miles of Indian territory. Eventually, in 1949, East Pakistan's political party sought independence from West Pakistan. Although 56% of the population resided in East Pakistan, the West held the political and economic power. In 1970 East Pakistan secured a majority of the seats in the National Assembly. And in an attempt to evade East Pakistan's demands for greater autonomy, the President postponed the opening of the National Assembly. As a consequence, East Pakistan seceded, and the independent state of Bangladesh was proclaimed on March 26, 1971.


Q. Which is correct according to the passage?

A. East Pakistan had a larger population than west Pakistan.


outset 착수, 시작, 최초

evade 피하다, 비키다, 면하다

secure 확보하다, 손에 넣다

secede (교회, 정당 등에서) 정식으로 탈퇴[분리]하다.



It is said that feminism is a fanatical form of ideology challenging the status quo of male dominance in society. I disagree. Feminism is basically a "human" wffort to explore the meaning of our beings in this world. In many cases, such an effort leads to social movements to improve women's lives, thus pursuing happiness for all people. One thing we should keep in mind is that feminism is not an effort to negate the identity of men. Rather, it is an effort to reinstate the identity of the human race. Some scrupulous feminists are fully aware that we should explore both male and female personalities to lead a truly meaningful life.


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